viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

hello, teacher it was late but i did .

5 comentarios:

  1. Good to see you here. It is never late to learn and to practice, so go ahead and enjoy the ride, Atilano.

  2. exactly, when you do something hard and joy, you going to learn fastly.

  3. teacher must go to medic, because your health is first

  4. Leaves of Grass

    Walt Whitman

    In 1855 Whitman published at his own expense a volume of 12 poems, Leaves of Grass, which he had begun working on probably as early as 1847. It was criticized because of Whitman’s exaltation of the body and sexual love and also because of its innovation in verse form—that is, the use of free verse in long rhythmical lines with a natural, “organic” structure. See also the companion volume: Prose Works.

  5. the teacher spoke today this big poet, can see is very interesting her letter
