viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

Unit: 13

Street life

Andy´s Stary

Andy´s 28, from a small town in pennsylvania, used to have his won delivery business. When he last his job,he also last his home and his family. Ho new seeps on the streets in new york.street new is a newspaper sold by homeleass people in new york Selling newspapers gives them a small income,so the can begin to find somewhere to live.

1.How long have you been sleeping on the streets?
   For a year. It was very cald at first, but you get used to it
2.Why did you come to new yort?
    He comes here to look for wark, and he never left
3.How long have you been selling street new?
    For six monthd. He ´s outside the subway station seven days a week selling the paper
4.Have you made many friends?
   Lots. But he can´t stand it when people think he drinks ar takes drugs.your problems    is he ´s homelesr. He wants a job, but he needs somewhere to live before he cans get a job. He can´t get money because he can´t get a job, and because he doen´t have a place to live. So he ´s trapped
5.How many copies do you sell a day?
    Usually about 50
6.How many copies hay you sald today?
    So for, ten. But it´s still early.

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