domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

`wonders of the modern world

1)what has changed because of the internet?

the number of people who are online increases by millionsevery year.
the internet has revolucionized the way live and work.

2)what has happened in space exploration since 1969?

since then, there have been space probes to mars,jupiter,saturn,and even the sun.a space observatory will someday study how the first stars and galaxies began.

3)what is the most noticeable result of better health care?

the aspirin.

4)x=the number of people who traveled abroad in the nineteenth century.what does x also equal?

x=315 billions of people.

5)what are the bad and god things about the olimpics?

the bad things are that they are comercialized,and there is greed and drug abuse,but the god things are that the competition is follow in every country for millions of people that come together in peace and frienship to see the games.

6)''whe are still here" why is this a wonder?

because we have a nuclear weapons for over 50 years that could destroy the world's,but we haven't used them to do it.

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