miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

Unit: 5 The age of majority

The age of majority is the threshold of adulthood at it is conceptualized ( and recognized or dclared) in law. It`s the chronological moment when minors cease to legally be considered children and assume control over their persons, actions or decisions thereby terminating the legal control and legal responsabilities of their parents or guardian over and for them.

Here in the Dominican Republic the age of majority is 18, but I think the law ought be changed 18 is too young, even if young people have to be given their freedom at some point. They ought to be encouraged to manage their own finances and things, They can olso learn from their mistakes.

On the other hand, teenegers can drive only at the age of 18, because too many teenagers lower 18 get involved in traffic accidents, and something really must be done about it. I think the correct way to solve thoses problems is helping the teenegers with their bad behavior.

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